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Please Put Your Gun Down

Barrie Friedland

No government agency is taking them.  In fact, it is nearly impossible to craft even the smallest protections in regard to gun sanity. If you are a hunter, want a gun as a collector or personal protection or enjoy shooting as a sport, no one needs assault rifles.There is still a lot to be learned about Sunday's shooting at a Trump rally.  The access the gunman found was amazingly open to him. Although security were warned by attendees that a man was scaling one of the buildings, he was not apprehended. Also, the gunman used an A-R 15 semi automatic rifle. Impossible to conceal.


In January, the Republican controlled Pennsylvania legislature defeated a bill that would have banned such weaponry.  Yes the gun was legally purchased but apparently not properly secured and locked.  After the horrific rampage in Las Vegas in which a shooter using bumpstocks killed 58 people and wounded hundreds of others at an outdoor concert, the Trump administration banned them.


But recently the Supreme Court overturned the ban on bumpstocks, which turns rifles into rapid firing killing machines.

To state the obvious, do not commit assassinations or mass murder.  


The solutions are clear.  More must be done to make gun ownership safer. There has to be red flag laws and clearly based on previous actions, certain people should be prohibited from owning guns.


The NRA- a bankrupt organization, both morally and financially- needs to be disbanded.  In its place should be responsible groups that demand safety and control.   Politicians who take donations from the NRA and similar groups are complicit in the violence and death.


Too many people in our country are suffering.  They are lonely and isolated.  They might lack enough money or resources or any access to health care including mental health.  Too many citizens feel hopeless and are acutely aware they are not being heard or helped. The reality is that


Most Americans overwhelmingly support stricter gun legislation. 


Another poll finds that 60% want a ban on assault weapons


And while it might seem as if more people want teachers locked and loaded, 75% of educators are asking for better laws and not to be armed. Thoughts and prayers are not enough.  Action is needed.


It has been suggested that Congress introduce the Donald J. Trump Gun Safety Legislation and see which Republicans would oppose that while the majority of  Democrats are eager to generate change.


We are not being represented by the people who are elected to do precisely that.  Don't shoot politicians.


Know the issues.  Demand results. Hold elected officials accountable.  Join an ever expanding coalition of people all over the country who are uniting by creating combined economic heft.

This large growing group looks like America.  And we will keep fighting to get the policies and legislation that this nation wants and needs.

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