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Meet Ryan Dorsey

Barrie Friedland

Updated: Oct 10, 2024

Local Politicians Who Serve the People:

From Abel Wolman to Ryan Dorsey 

It’s Thursday and we’ve got a quick Civics Pop Quiz for you:

Who do elected officials work for? 

The answer( at least in theory): the people.  

Politicians have three primary roles in representing their constituents and the best interests of the country writ large.

Representatives on each level must:

  1. Find and enact legislation that helps to deal with the myriad of challenges facing the country

  2. Take on a leadership role to educate people on new and vital policies that are desperately needed/and clear up misunderstandings and lies.

  3. Act as ombudsman between government and the citizen: whether as intermediary with a public agency or delivering aid of every type during emergencies and disasters.


Sadly, the important issues and their solutions that enjoy super majority consensus are too often ignored or even rolled back, because too many politicians are not doing their jobs.

Instead, many modern politicians seem to think their jobs are:

  1. Listen only to wealthy donors, and use the levers of power to operate the government for the benefit of these elites.

 This is, in large part, a structural issue, not just a few bad apples, indicating a political system sopped in a sea of donor money. However, there are smart and honest people in government who remember what their jobs are about. This is especially true at the local level.

#DSOT is excited to present the latest Zoomchat with Baltimore City Councilman Ryan Dorsey. This will be the launch of his third term in office.  Ryan has very broad, holistic and interlocking ideas and strategies to benefit his district and the city writ large. His plans range from a multi-prong approach to completely rebuilding Baltimore neighborhoods, to specific solutions like banning gas-powered leaf blowers. 

At the end of the chat, Ryan cites Abel Wolman, a public servant from here in Baltimore City whose ideas saved people throughout the globe. "'Abel Wolman played a vitally important role in inaugurating the system that today provides Americans with some of the safest, cleanest drinking water available anywhere in the world,' says Steve Gorden, president of the American Water Works Association."

We echo Councilman Dorsey in saying wherever you live, look for your dedicated and smart elected officials, find your community’s Wolman, and support them. We need public servants who work for the many, instead of taking cues for public policy from the wealthiest among us. If you can't find folks like Ryan, then elect some.  Or run for office yourself.  Make sure you are registered and remember to vote!

 We hope you enjoy this chat:t

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