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A Real Reality Show

Barrie Friedland

As written here before this election is unprecedented.  Literally overnight the race transformed from the Deja Vu of the same two old guys, into a contest with a woman of color as one party's nominee. Of course, the records and plans of the candidates who seemed fated to face each other again, differed greatly, but both men appear to be too old to be president – both in this moment, and certainly for a full term. But then, Biden is out, and Harris is leading the ticket. 

That should not have been as shocking since being Vice President is often the green room to run for President. Unless your boss wants you hanged. What followed was a reality show with some Democrats auditioning for the VP slot, and folks in America supporting their favorite. Everyone knows that many reality shows are scripted and tightly planned, rather than representing what’s “real”.  For instance, if the Apprentice had reflected reality, contestants would have repeatedly filed for bankruptcy, cheated vendors and employees while creating bogus universities. 

#DSOT follows the issues/policies first and sees who is supporting/fighting for them by assessing the records and history of those running. Yes, social media was the theater.  One went on Fox News to quietly rebut GOP lunacy.  Others promoted their record in a red state or time in space. A few claimed to be hillbillies.  There was some backpedaling on issues or short-term memory loss by a few.   And there existed past actions in opposition to what most of the country wants or needs.  Like Charter Schools or repressing protests.  

Voila a winner.  Don't let the Minnesota nice fool you, Tim Walz is a wily politician.  While auditioning for VP, he gave the Democrats a way to succinctly and cogently define the Republican party, especially their presidential ticket. 


Like you and your teenager monitoring each other's possible forays to porn sites. Ick.  Or viciously slandering huge swaths of our fellow Americans.  For example, those without children. Having cats.  Being part of LGBTQ community.  Or to only sit on couches- c'mon hard to resist. The party of allegedly less government wants to sidle into your doctor's visits and everyone's bedroom.  Today two thirds of Americans oppose the Supreme Court Decision overturning Roe, now two years later. Restrictions on abortion with no policies to help mothers and children. Disgusting, and Weird. Not to mention unpopular/misogynistic/harmful/ wrong. 

Tim Walz's record is incredible.  Actually, important and needed policies were implemented in his state. A skilled executive who earned the support of AOC and Joe Manchin, Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi. Walz has the confidence and integrity to change his stance.  He went from an A rating with the NRA to an F, and then donated the blood money they had given him to charities. Walz has pets. Not weird.  He served in the military, coached a winning football team and fought for universal healthcare. And supported the LGBTQ community decades ago.

There is still an election to be had, and to be sure, the fossilized structures in place will slow down a lot of change that is desperately needed. But the first step is to elect people who care and want to enact such legislation. Even then the fight isn't over.  Reid Hoffman, billionaire and Democratic donor does support the Harris Ticket. And he’s not donating for his health, he wants a return for his investment: that the Chair of the FTC to be fired.  In other words, business as usual.  Rich folks want to shape policy. Most folks just do it quietly instead of shouting their intentions from the rooftops.  So, thanks for the post-Citizens United civics lesson refresher, Hoffman.

Clearly, the fight doesn't end in November.  The outpouring of contributions to VP Harris demonstrates the aggregate power of the people. Imagine if that demonstrated power could be combined with united consumer brawn and directed with purpose. So, pause with us each week, and bring in others, to be part of #DSOT, a rapidly growing coalition of people from all over the country. Everyone is welcome.  #DSOT keeps building economic power to provide heft and size to strengthen protests.  Use this economic cudgel to facilitate the introduction and passage of legislation that people have been fighting for.

You all know by now:  patronize your local communities and small businesses and then. Don't Shop on Tuesday.

Yes, America is engaged in this election.  Which is far more important than who the next bachelor chooses.  Register and vote.  Support people actually offering policy solutions, not just hate, fear and division. To the wealthy donors and corrupt officials: Represent the people or, to quote an old, weird man, “You're Fired.”

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