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A United Protest Movement 

We are building a collective demonstration of conscious economic consumption, to pressure corporations, special interests, and the politicians who serve them into responding to the needs of the 99%, and passing policies supported by a Super-Majority (60%+) of Americans. All we ask, is that you Don't Shop On Tuesdays!

Government Office

Our Issues

What's important to you?

According to a 2016 Ipsos poll, 96% of Americans feel their views are left out of the political process, and they aren't crazy to think that. There are an enormous number of deeply important and popular issues which see little press time, and no legislative action. This is outrageous, and frankly unacceptable. If you aren't angry, it's because you don't know what issues are being ignored.


See why we must do better, and reclaim our representative democracy! Click the button below to find out which issue makes you say Don't Shop on Tuesday!

Experts Panel

Unrepresentative Issue of the Week

See all our posts about unrepresentative issues by clicking the button below

Empty Stage

Local Spotlight

What local organizations can you support with the money you don't spend on Tuesday?

See a sneak peak below!
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